We have been in contact with former investment banker Louise Reed, that left the banking world and built a career helping women as a stress recovery coach online. Louise is today based in Bali and has clients all around the world joining her program EEM; Energy Enhance Method.
So where did this journey to become a Stress Recovery Coach all begin?
I was working in investment banking for a number of years and everyone was always tired and had some level of stress, myself included. I was told feeling like this all the time was normal. Refusing to believe that this was my lot in life, I looked for a container like a course, a councilor or something similar to help me, but there was no one and nothing out there to help me with both my stress and energy levels.
Turning to the internet, books and word of mouth instead, I tried every breathing exercise, every technique, every thing trying to figure out what worked and what was just nonsense. Over 3 years, I kept up with everything that worked. I felt consistently calm, focused and energetic throughout every day, no matter what was going on. I also became kinder and more patient.
During this exploring, in 2013, I went on holiday to Bali and I had a sudden knowing that I must leave banking, and help people instead. I wasn’t brave enough to do it right away, but I got qualified and in 2017 left my job, I packed some hand luggage and moved to Bali. I set up Energy Enhance Method (EEM) and have been helping women ever since.

Can you briefly share with us your financial background?
I came into the financial services a few months before the 2008 crash. Somehow I managed to keep working throughout the whole crisis, and eventually moved into Compliance where I worked for a number of years both in the Control Room, and then Advisory for Corporate Finance.
What are your thoughts on the current banking industry now in regards to mental health?
It is slowly moving in the right direction. Generally it is still seen as shameful or embarrassing if you have a wobble with your mental health. But the more people talk about it and experience it, the better and quicker the support systems will be. Small steps are already being taken in the right direction, and largely I’m encouraged.
It’s also obvious to me that there are big generational differences in the approach to mental health. With the advance of each generation, mental and physical health is continuing to climb the hierarchy of importance both to individuals and companies as a whole.
Do you think more support is needed?
Yes of course. I always ask my clients for video testimonials at the end of our time together, but often the ones who work in the corporate world don’t feel comfortable to show their faces. They write testimonials instead, because they are fearful that someone they work with might see and know they’ve been struggling and needed my services.
As I said before, the changes are happening and support is more accessible, but more is needed. I do believe more will come as each year goes by.
How do you think this can be overcome?
Companies should bring on in-house health coaches or similar. Or make them options as part of employee benefits. Of course individuals have responsibility for their mental health too; each person is responsible for placing boundaries and not letting their employer overstep.
For example, employees can choose to leave work at a reasonable hour, take their lunch breaks, and leave their work phone in the office when they’re on holiday. That sort of thing.
The other thing that will help is discipline. You’re going to have bad days. It’s not about never having bad days. It’s about how you handle those bad days. Do you leave them at the office? Or are you going over and over your day on the way home, and you’re so tired and stressed you snap at your loved ones when they breathe too loudly when you’re home? It takes mental discipline to accept bad days, and leave them behind you. It takes confidence to truly believe that your worth is not based on how you perform each day at work.
Why have you chosen to focus of stress related challenges for women?
I’m helping women like me in the past. There was nothing like my program, Energy Enhance Method (EEM) when I was in banking. I want to make sure no woman experiences the burnout and lack of support like I did. EEM is both preventative and cure. There is all this information out there, but its not concentrated and personalized for each woman. I’ve been in these women’s shoes and I know what it’s like. I know what it takes to thrive in those environments.
Any quick tips for someone dealing with a stressful day/time?
When you feel overwhelmed, sometimes you freeze because you literally don’t know where to start. So break it right down. Use the “Very next thing”. What is the very next thing you can do? If you need to write a report of some sort or content for your marketing, the very next thing is to sit down at your computer, then it’s to open a word doc. Then the very next thing is to write the first sentence.
The very next thing is also good for when you’ve worked yourself to the bone and you need to sleep but you feel unprepared for the next day. In this instance, the very next thing you can do is set out your work materials for tomorrow. This saves future you from doing that in the morning and you are one small step closer to getting everything done you need to get done.
Breaking everything down into tiny steps helps your brain make sense of things and it’s not so overwhelming. It calms you mind and gets you moving in the right direction no matter what you’re faced with.
Tell us about your course EEM and how can someone get involved?
EEM stands for Energy Enhance Method. Women join because they want to reduce their stress and increase their energy, which is exactly what happens. However, there are many by-products when we work together: increased self confidence, a calmer mind, increased kindness and patience. By the time they finished their time with me in EEM, they feel like a leader with unshakable belief in themselves. They know how to manage their mind and their stress no matter what they’re faced with. Most importantly, they are happier.
How long are you committed to each client as a stress recovery coach?
EEM is 90 days long. I work one on one with each client to make sure they are fully taken care of and nurtured.
We cover 10 different topics in video format over the 12 weeks together and all of them contribute to reducing stress, boosting confidence, and enhancing energy.
We have 12 coaching calls that cover whatever the client wants to talk about each week.
They also have access to an app called Slack where they can contact me day or night, as much or as little as they need.
You can sign up for EEM by completing this type form and follow Louise’s Stress recovery Coach journey on her Instagram account: @iam_louisereid.
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